Oh if it was always that easy ya? Hi Lovelies how are you doing this beautiful lovely morning in Tinsel Town? I'm doing all right hope you are doing great too. Ya, I started my self-love journey back on November 1, 2016. I was not any longer comfortable with my perfectly imperfect body. At my heaviest, I was 173 pounds and I stand at 5'5.
Back then everyone just kept saying to me to lose weight and kept telling me how much better I looked when I was skinnier. With my low self-esteem, I believed them and felt great shame for putting on the weight. When they talked to me it was as if they were asking me to apologize for becoming bigger.
Then a wonderful beautiful occurrence happened. I created my blog looking great at your weight. This along with this website are sweet pieces of me inspiring you to truly madly deeply live your very best life. Ya, I write to inspire Lovelies. Additionally, I want you all to know you are not alone in this perfectly imperfect world. I remember when I was being body shamed by people I felt so alone. I created my site back then to help others going through the same thing. In contrast, This weblog is all about my love of writing and sharing the ways I earn every breath that I take.
With the daily dose on both of my blogs, both of my beautiful dreams are together at last. On that note will be back with our sweet daily dose shortly. I just wanted to share different contents with you all. I truly madly deeply hope you enjoyed yourselves in our sweet home. Without you, there is no love. I wouldn't be here without you all. I love you.
Hi, want to learn more about my perfectly imperfect self love journey? Visit https://loseweightandfeelgreatwithfran.com/ to learn more ya.