Franchys Dear Dearest Diary Day 13

"Sometimes you become what you think about so think positively and realize your true potential on this beautiful world of ours, you're beaitifully unique and I love you."

Dear Dearest Diary,

I remember I was browsing through many YouTube videos when I came across a video that really forced me to look at my perfectly imperfect life. The message was simple yet it was profound. The video message was that you become what you think about. For instance if all you see is negativity and pain then your life will become very depressing and you won't be happy. Contrastingly if you always look on the bright side of things and you're always happy then you will live a life of happiness and peace. Become the person you want to be change your thinking.

Sometimes you become what you think about so think positively and realize your true potential on this beautiful world of ours, you're beautifully unique and I love you. Lovelies have you ever thought to yourself that if you just think a bit differently you would've been in a completely different world full of hopes and dreams? As you are reading this your thinking and each thinking will lead you somewhere different in life. Each of us think millions of things everyday and those thoughts are responsible for exactly where you are now in your life. Lovelies if there is somewhere you really want to go sit down and think how badly you want to be there and change your thinking. I hope you enjoyed my daily ramblings of self love have a lovely day!

