Lovelies shall we continue with the winnings? This is part one all about the power ball winner Jack Whittaker of Virginia. Jack Whittaker for the most part doesn't fit the description of majority lottery winners he already had money before he won it big. "He had a wife and a granddaughter who basked in his attentions, a brick house in a nice subdivision in neighboring Scott Depot, and a water and sewer pipe-laying business that employed more than 100 people." So while winning the lottery was a blessing it's certainly was not one that was necessary to put the blue back in his eyes. Nonetheless it was to change his life forever.
Jack Whittakers winning was viewed as a Christmas miracle as he got told by his wife that the winning numbers matched 4 numbers on his ticket on Christmas night (11:00 pm). Yes a Christmas present indeed I could just imagine if that was me how excited I would've been. I would be day dreaming about my new life and all the many more blessings that sure was heading my way. Unfortunately that wasn't true at all for Jack Whittaker. His life was forever changed and he later admitted to not liking the man he has become.
A big win fall can affect many peoples life. Especially if you're are going through a lot of money trouble. The best thing is to move and tell as few people as possible that you have won the lottery. From reading about a lot of winners stories I see the more you have the more they want they become like leeches trying to suck blood out of your cash. I even heard stories of some winners losing their life from this. Franchy recommends spend wisely and be-careful who you let into your circle.
On that note I'm going to end this article with a bit fruit for thought. Perhaps winning the lottery is as lucky as you make it to be. Everything has its consequences and making easy money has no exemption. I will continue Jack Whittakers story on my next frantastic article. May today be a lucky day for you all and you have a very lovely day. If you have any questions or lovely feedback about my content feel free to leave it in the comments below. I would love to know whats going on in your perfectly imperfect minds. See you all next time.
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