"Sometimes you shouldn't wait for the life that your heart truly desires instead you should take a leap of faith and hope wherever you land your heart will be there waiting for you to make all your dreams come true."
Dear Dearest Diary,
Today I saw the movie leap and it really touched my heart. I don't know if you have heard of the film so I will explain the plot to you. It is a bout a orphan girl that runs away with her best freind who is also an orphan. They go to Paris so that they can live there dreams no matter what. To me that would be an excellent message for young children. Teach them to go for their dreams no matter what. Don't dream your life live your dream. This life can be really hard and at times one can forget their dreams and promises they made so long ago. Which is why you should just leap when you get the chance to make your dreams come true.
Sometimes you shouldn't wait for the life that your heart truly desires instead you should take a leap of faith and hope wherever you land your heart will be there waiting for you to make all your dreams come true. "Dreams don't work unless you do" is a very truthful statement that have been tested time and time again. You have to work hard on your dreams to make them a reality. If it is something you really want you have to fight for it. Seeing FĂ©licie in the movie working hard to become a ballerina really inspired me to work harder on Frans Online Business INC. Lovelies I want to succeed I want to live my dream and I will. What about you Lovelies do you have a dream of something you wish to accomplish? If you do I hope all your dreams come true have a blessed day Lovelies.
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