Franchys Dear Dearest Diary Day 37

"Sometimes writing can be the best escape within a world that you create your own perfectly imperfect life. Where your own creativity shines bright through your beautiful baby blues."

Dear Dearest Diary,

Hi there my Lovelies. I have had this blog for a very long time. Which means I have been sharing pieces of me with you all and now you have acquired many lovely pieces. I really enjoy sharing my life with you all. Letting you all know exactly whats going on in my frantastic Franchy life. I don't know writing my thoughts down just comes naturally to me. Growing up I knew I wanted to write I was just not sure on whether I can make enough resources living my dream. Nonetheless I'm doing just that by the grace of God. I love earning the life that I want by writing my dream life. Why escape when you can create?

Sometimes writing can be the best escape within a world that you create your own perfectly imperfect life. Where your own creativity shines bright through your beautiful baby blues. "Why escape when you can create?" That is a great question when answered can help you create your own perfectly imperfect life. I have heard a lot about the Opioid epidemic all over the US. Many people are using the drug to numb not just the physical pain but the emotional as well. They no longer want to feel how unfair this cruel world can be. They want "a great escape." What if you could write your own happy ending? What if you could create the perfect life for yourself? You can by writing your own frustrated thoughts down. Writing can  be very therapeutic if you let yourself be one with the pen and paper. Pour your soul through your writing. Lovelies consider opening a blog for yourself. If you want you can keep it private or you can make it public and share your perfectly imperfect life. If you want you can use your blog to make passive income for yourself. Express yourself Lovelies and all the imperfections that make you, you. Have a lovely day!

