"Sometimes a New Year is the most perfectly imperfect time to be the very best person you can posibly truly madly deeply be. For there is truly madly deeply nothing that is imposible if you are willing to do the work and believe in your sweet dreams. Reach for the stars my darling. Dont dream your life live your dream. I love you mmmmmmm ya."
Dear Dearest Diary,
Hi Lovelies, how are you? I'm doing well and am truly having a blessed day. I truly hope you all Lovelies have an awesome day full of many beautiful sweet promises. So Sweet Lovelies it is the 3rd day into the New Year. How exciting is that right? Well, I certainly think so. Likewise, I'm certain I was thinking of the same exact thing last year and now last year is truly over. Ya Lovelies time is really flying. This year I will be turning 40 a new Franchy milestone ya. Oh, Lovelies there is so much I would love to accomplish this year and I will do my very best to accomplish all my frantastic goals. How about you my Sweet Darlings? What are some of your wonderfully blue dreams you would love to accomplish this year? Well, I myself have a lot of things I need and want to do. One of my frantastic goals is to be in a much better financial situation. I don't want to keep struggling to pay my bills Lovelies. Which is why I currently went back to working outside with Wonolo yesterday. Ya Lovelies this is definitely the perfectly imperfect year to really make a positive change.
Sometimes a New Year is the most perfectly imperfect time to be the very best person you can possibly truly madly deeply be. For there is truly madly deeply nothing that is impossible if you are willing to do the work and believe in your sweet dreams. Reach for the stars my Darling. Don't dream your life live your dream. I love you mmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies I'm really excited for the new year. I'm really excited about all the wonderful things this new year can bring. For instance, what new relationship can be nurtured and if I can finally be in a relationship with the love of my life. Moreover really working on being in a much better financial place this year praise God. This is precisely why I have been Wonoloing again. You may be wondering what is Wonolo? To briefly explain Wonolo is a staffing agency app. That allows you to work whenever you want to. You can set your own schedule to work whenever you like. There is no set limit on how much you are required to work. You can truly work whenever you like. You Lovelies know I do many perfectly imperfect things to earn every breath that I take via Frans Online Business INC. Wonolo is a great service as it allows me to earn money whenever it is convenient to me. Darlings I have made the decision that I no longer wanted to work on someone else's dreams. Ya, I really don't want to work on a fixed schedule and be told when I can take a vacation. I have a lot of things regarding the two businesses that I need to do consistently. For example, I have so many blogs that I have to create content for. Plus I have other platforms that I have to make a good amount of content for as I'm also a model. Ya, I'm very busy and simply no longer have the time to work on a consistent schedule. Which is why I'm really happy I found Wonolo. If you are interested I will write a whole post on Wonolo. Writing my honest experience with the app. As I really want to help you all. On that note, I'm going to bid you all farewell. See you all tomorrow have a blessed day.
Sweet Lovely every so often you have to truly madly deeply give it your all no matter what. Darling want it as bad as you need to breath and work hard now and eternally forevermore. Don't dream your life live your dream.
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