2022 Means Change, Live Your Dream.

 Hi, my Sweet Lovelies.

How are you all doing? I'm doing ok just feeling sick from my women issues. Firstly, yesterday wanted to truly eat anything and everything, and today I'm bloated. Additionally, I feel really tired. Beauties it is already the second month into the new year. Aka black history month February. Lovelies I really want this year to be different. I'm really not happy how my very own perfectly imperfect life is going. Yes, there are some things I'm happy about. For instance, growing my perfectly imperfect business and being self-employed. Nevertheless there are things that really need to change.

Sweet Lovely don't be so afraid of change. Afterall it could be the most beautiful thing in the world.

Change like life can at times be unfair. I myself don't really like things to change. Things staying the same create a stability that I have grown to appreciate. For example, one change that really makes me uncomfortable is aging. I truly hate that I'm getting older. Nonetheless nothing ever stays the same. Like the changing seasons some change can be very uncomfortable. What say you Sweet Lovelies? Do you like change? I'm siting here in my bedroom. Thinking really wildly. Things will change for my heart has already. I recently got back in contact with a guy I really care about. We are back to talking and for things to truly madly deeply move on I know my special Franchy situation will need to change. Change into being a wife and maybe into a mother. I would absolutely love being a mother. Nevertheless my perfectly imperfect body would need to change. My thinking would be changing too. 

Lovelies I'm writing this really to say if you also are afraid to change go for it. I have lived in this house since I was 14 years old. I rented the apartment from my mother when I was 27 years old. So I have my own apartment  for about 12 years. I love living in the suburbs and living in a beautiful house. Lovelies what do you desire? What do you need to change to achieve that desire? I think for me I will need to move. Completely brake free of my current situation and start a serious relationship I have never have. My mother is older and wants to stop working so a change for her would mean retirement and a better life. What does change mean to you Lovelies? Change to me means growing both of my beautiful businesses and and perhaps marriage someday. Sweet Lovelies though change may not be easy it is absolutely necessary if you truly madly deeply want to live your dream and stop dreaming your life. Lets make all the necessary changes for 2022 Lovelies. Wishing you all the best and sending sweet love your way.

