Mmmmmmmmm Franchys sweet musings.
Hi Lovelies how are you? I'm doing fine I mean besides my women's issues making me really sick. I truly hope you all are having an awesomely amazing day thus far.
Lovelies as some of you may know that I'm all over the internet literally. My wonderful beautiful pictures and articles decorate the infinite beauty that is the internet. Now I remember when I first got on the internet at the faithful age of 18. I had literally no pictures or really any information about me online. That goes without saying I'm truly madly deeply proud of the brand that I have been creating over the beautiful years. Nevertheless being a famous influencer or model is really not my goal at all. Nor is becoming rich beyond my wonderful blue dreams. I only want to help and make a difference truly. Sweet Lovelies for a while now I have been thinking about the wonderful physical space for my wonderfully beautiful businesses I'm working on to materialize and bring to happily ever after. It was never my intention to keep my beautiful businesses online which is why I created my Google Listings. I want to come outside and spread the love and truly madly deeply help as much as I can possibly. I have searched for ways to verify my two businesses. Ya, I have done my Franchy homework as I'm very truly serious. Working a 9 to 5 for someone else's dreams has never truly been what I wanted to do with my perfectly imperfect life.
Ya, that is right I'm perfectly imperfect and made a lot of mistakes. Lovelies I realize there are truly madly deeply no regrets everything that has happened to me was meant to be. Especially the really hard traumas I had to overcome as best as I can. Growing up Sweet Lovelies I never had a supportive parents on my side. It was rather the opposite really. I was told I wouldn't be able to do it and I should give up. Yes, now my mother and I are trying to create a better relationship nonetheless it is not that easy is it? For sweet scars has truly madly deeply been buried deep in my heart. So much trauma and emotional abuse by both my mother and grandmother. I never had a father that is something I always learn to accept. Lovelies my Franchy life has never been easy and I know I probably should have gotten some therapy. All this has wreak havoc on the beautiful caring women I have become. I don't have any regrets as I had to go through the pain so that I could be a better Francesca. However, if I become a mother I would never want my children to go through the same thing. I want them to be happy and live their best lives ever. I want them to truly succeed in all that they wanted to do. Moreover, I want to give them so much love. I always want to remind them that I love them ya. Lovelies I love you too. I just wanted to share what was on my Franchy heart. As always I want to inspire you all to create your very own happily ever after. Don't dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmm ya. Have an awesomely wonderful day carpe diem seize the wonderful beautiful day.
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