"Sometimes being natural is the most rarest beauty of all. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, you are truly madly deeply beautiful. Your beautiful blue eyes ever so bright and your lips the color of the sweetest red rose. Nevertheless, the most beautiful of them all is your wonderfully beautiful sweetheart. Your love truly madly deeply has no bounds. While your generosity is truly out of this world. Be well Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Don't dream your life live your dreams. Take care of all your perfect imperfections and love yourself unconditionally and forevermore mmmmmmmm ya."
Dear Dearest Diary,
Hi Lovelies how do you do? I'm alright mmmmmmm can't hardly complain. Well, I suppose if I truly want to complain then I would find something to complain about always. I hope you Lovelies have an absolute awesome day ya. Lovelies I have always been about being natural. Even as my locks start turning a cold white and I feel the incredible urge to dye my hair. I hesitate as it is not me. It is not natural. I love my uniqueness and how no one else in the world is like me. Likewise my content creation and modeling is all about being naturally imperfect and sharing sweet pieces of me with you all. Natural beauty is everything to me. I'm just not a fake person and I always want to keep it real. Nevertheless, natural beauty is a breed that is slowly disappearing. Like the albino tiger it is becoming the rarest beauty mmmmmmmm ya.
Sometimes being natural is the most rarest beauty of all. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, you are truly madly deeply beautiful. Your beautiful blue eyes ever so bright and your lips the color of the sweetest red rose. Nevertheless the most beautiful of them all is your wonderfully beautiful sweetheart. Your love truly madly deeply has no bounds. While your generosity is truly out of this world. Be well Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Don't dream your life live your dreams. Take care of all your perfect imperfections and love you unconditionally and forevermore mmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies my self love journey has not been easy. My self love journey is made of so many Franchy twists and turns. I have been through many heart aches and sweet disappointments. Nevertheless, I have always stayed true to myself and remained a natural beauty. I never put on a lot of makeup or enhance myself in an unnatural way like plastic surgery. Don't get me wrong if there is something you don't like about yourself change it. There is nothing wrong with that. It only becomes a problem when it becomes an addiction. When you truly madly deeply don't love all your perfect imperfections. Lovelies please always love yourself. Fall madly in love with all your perfect imperfections and keep it natural. I love you all have a blessed day mmmmmm ya.
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